Tentang ACE

Tentang ACE Life Indonesia

PT ACE Life Assurance (ACE Life Indonesia) adalah anak perusahaan dari ACE Group®, pemimpin global di bidang asuransi dan reasuransi yang melayani berbagai klien. Inti perusahaan ACE dinilai A+ oleh Standard & Poor dan A.M. Best. Peringkat ini menunjukkan akan kekuatan modal dasar dan stabilitas keuangan dari ACE; yang merupakan pelengkap utama dalam suatu bisnis yang berisiko. Sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1792, ACE Group sudah mempunyai kantor pemasaran di lebih dari 50 negara dan kehadirannya yang kuat di Asia Pasifik.
ACE telah hadir di Indonesia selama 40 tahun melalui asuransi umum – PT ACE INA Insurance (ACE Insurance). Kehadiran PT ACE Life Assurance di bulan April 2009 semakin memperkokoh monopoli ACE di Indonesia. Melalui agen-agen nya, ACE Life Indonesia menawarkan berbagai produk asuransi jiwa yang berkualitas yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi proteksi keuangan dan keamanan para nasabah. Perusahaan kami juga bekerja sama dengan beberapa institusi keuangan dan beberapa perusahaan untuk merancang kebijaksanaan bagi para klien.
Pada bulanJuli 2009, PT ACE Life Assurance (ACE Life Indonesia) meraih predikat “Sangat Bagus” untuk kategori aset dibawah Rp 500 miliar dan modal sendiri di bawah Rp 100 miliar dari InfoBank.

ACE History

ACE was established in 1985 by 34 founding sponsors to provide hard-to-find excess liability and directors and officers coverage.  Since then, ACE has evolved from a monoline excess insurer owned by its policyholders to a global publicly-traded insurance company and one of the world's leading providers of commercial property and casualty insurance.

Scroll down to see some of the milestones in ACE's history.


  • ACE opens an office in Turkey.


    • ACE Limited moves its place of incorporation from the Cayman Islands to Zurich, Switzerland.
    • ACE nearly doubles its Accident & Health business with the purchase of Combined Insurance Company of America for $2.56 billion.
    • ACE acquires the high net worth personal lines business of The Atlantic Companies.
    • ACE opens an office in Panama.
    • Evan G. Greenberg is elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of ACE Limited.
    • ACE opens a non-life insurance branch in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    • ACE opens offices in Hungary and the Czech Republic and begins insurance operations in Bahrain and Peru.
    • ACE enters the U.S. life reinsurance market with the acquisition of Hart Life Insurance Company.
    • Brian Duperreault, ACE Chairman, retires from the company.
    • ACE sells three run-off reinsurance subsidiaries to Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Limited, an international insurance management firm.
    • ACE opens an office in South Africa.
    • ACE receives regulatory approvals to begin providing life insurance in China and Vietnam and commercial property & casualty insurance in Poland and Russia.
    • ACE observes its 20th anniversary by hosting a Global Day of Service, during which more than 5,000 employees in 30 countries participate in community service projects.
    • Evan G. Greenberg becomes President & Chief Executive Officer, ACE Limited.
    • Assured Guaranty Ltd. initial public offering completed April 28, 2004.
    • ACE announces the formation of ACE Captive Solutions to provide solutions across the multiple ACE product lines to the captive community.
    • ACE Limited forms ACE Risk Management International to address the risk financing needs of major corporations.
    • ACE Financial Solutions Europe and ACE Financial Reinsurance Europe are created to provide customized, non-traditional finite insurance and reinsurance products to European customers.
    • ACE Guaranty Re changes its name to ACE Guaranty Corp.
    • ACE and Huatai Insurance Company of China announce a strategic partnership that will allow both companies to jointly develop new products and services for delivery nationally in China.
    • ACE Bermuda and Freisenbruch-Meyer Group partner to form a new Bermudian insurance company - Freisenbruch-Meyer Insurance Limited, to write insurance coverage for the domestic Bermuda market.
    • ACE European Group opens its new headquarters in London, England.
    • ACE Limited changes its ticker symbol on the New York Stock Exchange from ACL to ACE.
    • Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd. is elected to the International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (the Berne Union) as one of only three private sector political risk insurers to be eligible and approved.
    • In a partnership with Egypt-based Commercial International Investment Company (CIIC), ACE International acquires a 51 percent shareholding in Egyptian American Insurance Company (EAIC).
    • ACE acquires the global property and casualty business of CIGNA Corporation for $3.45 billion, making ACE one of only a handful of truly international property and casualty insurance companies. With this acquisition, ACE inherits the rich history of the pioneering Insurance Company of North America (INA), which wrote its first policy in 1792.
    • ACE acquires Capital Re Corporation, a company providing specialty reinsurance for financial guaranty insurance and other financial risks.
    • ACE acquires U.S.-based Westchester Fire Insurance Company; ACE USA is formed.
    • ACE acquires CAT Limited, a property catastrophe reinsurance concern, and integrates it as part of ACE Tempest Re.
    • ACE Global Markets acquires Lloyd’s-based Tarquin Limited. ACE now manages approximately 9.3 percent of the total underwriting capacity at Lloyd’s.
    • ACE Global Markets is formed in London from ACE’s existing operations at Lloyd’s.
    • ACE Bermuda forms Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd., a specialized Bermuda-based political risk insurance and reinsurance underwriter, with strategic partners XL Insurance Company, Ltd. and Risk Capital Re.
    • ACE European Markets is incorporated and licensed in Ireland to underwrite all classes of non-life insurance in the European Union.
    • ACE acquires Tempest Re, now ACE Tempest Re, a leading Bermuda-based catastrophe reinsurance company.
    • ACE acquires London-based Lloyd’s managing agency Ockham Worldwide and the balance of Methuen Underwriting.
    • Financial Lines (now subsequently ACE Financial Solutions International) joins ACE Bermuda’s expanding product lines, providing strategic and alternative risk products.
    • Brian Duperreault is named Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, ACE Limited.
    • ACE Limited successfully completes its initial public offering and is authorized for listing and trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
    • Expansion of ACE Bermuda’s product lines begins with the purchase of CODA .
    • Walter Scott becomes Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer
    • ACE Bermuda assumes management of Corporate Officers & Directors Assurance Ltd. (CODA), a specialist D&O underwriter.
    • ACE opens its first office in Hamilton, Bermuda with six full-time employees.
    • John Cox, ACE’s first Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, is appointed.
    • ACE Bermuda writes its first official insurance policy.
    • ACE Limited and its Bermuda insurance subsidiary are incorporated in the Cayman Islands and establish headquarters in Hamilton, Bermuda.

  • http://www.acelimited.com/AceLimitedRoot/About+ACE/ACE+History/

    Tentang ACE

    ACE Life merupakan bagian dari ACE Group of Companies®, pemimpin global di bidang asuransi dan reasuransi. Sejak tahun 1792, ACE Group menawarkan berbagai produk dan layanan khusus bagi klien di lebih dari 50 negara di seluruh dunia dengan kantor pusat di Zurich, Swiss. 

    Sebagai perusahaan public listed company yang terdaftar di NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (NYSE: ACE), Ace Limited memiliki pengalaman dan keahlian dalam menjalankan bisnisnya selama lebih dari 200 tahun, antara lain:

    1. Mengelola aset keuangan lebih dari USD 72 Milyar (IDR Rp648 Trilliun) pada Desember 2008.

    2. Meraih peringkat A+ dari Standard & Poor (S&P) dan AM Best, dengan peringkat positif dari S&P.

    3. Terpilih sebagai 10 PERUSAHAAN TERBAIK di Amerika yang layak dimiliki sahamnya (Barron™s 2008)

    4. ACE dinobatkan masuk dalam jajaran 400 perusahaan publik TERBESAR di dunia (Forbes Magazine, Mei 2008)

    5. Meraih peringkat TERBAIK ke-277 dari 2.000 perusahaan publik terbesar di dunia menurut penilaian kombinasi ukuran sales, profit, aset dan nilai pasar perusahaan (Forbes Global 2000, April 2009)
    (sekarang sudah naik ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi lagi versi Majalah Forbes terbaru... Check It out!)

    6. Pada bulan Juli 2009, PT. ACE Life Assurance meraih predikat asuransi jiwa "SANGAT BAGUS" dari majalah InfoBank, untuk kategori aset dibawah Rp500 Miliar dan modal sendiri dibawah Rp100 Miliar. Padahal PT. ACE Life Assurance baru 'resmi' masuk ke Indonesia di Bulan Mei 2009 lho...

    Rasio Kecukupan Modal (RBC) sebesar 1869,65% (Agustus 2009) sedangkan yang ditetapkan pemerintah adalah 120%. itu artinya perusahaannya SANGAT SEHAT gan...

    8. ACE Group berada di Bermuda, Canada, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, France, Gibraltar, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam